Brunivo Buttarelli

Born 29.11.1946
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Born 29.11.1946
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Brunivo Buttarelli was born in 1946 in Casalmaggiore, where he lives and works today. In 1968, he received his diploma from the Paulo Toschi Art Institute of Parma, where he then taught mural painting techniques from 1971 to 1990. Outside of his teaching career, the artist worked restoring paintings and frescoes, and involved himself, as well, in local archaeological digs. Following this passion he founded C.C.P.S. in Casalmaggiore (Center Casalasco of Paleoethnological Studies) and has collaborated with the Tridentino Museum of Natural Sciences in Trento completing stratigraphic drawings of many archaeological sites in northern Italy.
In 1986, taking full advantage of his skills in painting, Buttarelli continues his extracurricular pursuits with the theatre, Regio di Parma, creating sculptural stage settings for films and theatrical performances. During this six-year period Buttarelli explores working with a myriad of different materials. His insatiable curiosity for exploring new materials combined with the impetus to create pushes the artist to leave his position at the P. Toschi Institute in 1990. From then on, Buttarelli devotes himself entirely to his art, drawing inspiration from his archaeological experience and interest in Earth’s geologic history.
Selected Recent Exhibitions, Permanent/Installations and Symposia
“La Città del Bijou” Permanent monumental sculpture installation, commissioned and dedicated to the City of Jewelry, Casalmaggiore (CR) Italy.
“MATA” Exhibition, History Museum Paulo Setubal, Tatui, Brazil.
“VERTEBRE” Meano Borgo dei Creativi (Winner of invitational public sculpture competition) Meano, Brescia
“TAURUS IN TERRA” Monumental sculpture installed at Turro and Piazza S. Antonino, Piacenza
“Uomo e Natura – le contaminazioni” (Man and Nature-contaminations) Contemporary Art Exhibition, Village of Fidenza, Parma
“Padiglione Italia 54°” International Exhibition of Art from the Venice Biennial, for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Nervi Exhibition Hall, Torino.
“ARTour-O Florence” Piazzale Michelangelo, Hotel Villa la Vedetta, Florence, Italy.
“Time Passages” Exhibition, curated by Omar Calabrese, Magazzini del Sale, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy.
“Padiglione Italia 54°” International Exhibition of Art from the Venice Biennial, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Le Sale del Re, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, Milan, Italy.
“Fiore all’Ochiello”Exhibition, Palazzo della Borsa e Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy.
“Ciò che Rimane del Tempo”(That Which is Left of Time)Solo Exhibition, Ostrakon Gallery, Verdi Theatre, Parco Villa Hanau, Milan, Italy.
“ArteperArte OpenAir”Exhibition, Giubiasco, Monte Carasso, Pianezzo, Switzerland.
“Alanica Symposium 2011” On invite from the Ministry of Culture, Vladikavkaz, Ossetia, Russia.
“MISA The Hub” Ipotesi dinamica (Dynamic Hypothesis) Exhibition, The Hub Hotel, Milan, Italy.
“Imagomundi”(Scorci Terrestri),(Terrestrial Views), Solo Exhibition, curated by M.R. Gallo and Pramantha Arte, Lamezia Terme(CZ) Italy.
“ArteperArteFlash 10” Exhibition, Indoor Market, Giubiasco, Switzerland.
“Asuka To Nara” International Exhibition of Sculpture, Daiyouin Park, Nara, Japan.
“Aspetti di Arte Astratta nella Raccolta Fiocchi”(Aspects of Abstract Art from the Fiocchi Collection) Forte Malatesta, Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
“Gea e la Luce” (Gea and Light) Exhibition, MISA la Cerreta, International Open-air Sculpture Museum,(Competition Winner) Castiglione del Lago (PG), Italy.
“Ad Maiorem Dei et Patria Gloriam”, International Multidisciplinary Art Project, based on the theme, “War and Peace”, in reference to the second World War, Tower Museum, Diksmuide, Belgium.
“Internationale Ausstellung” Mit Kunstelern aus 4 kontinenten ( Artists from 4 Continents) Exhibition, Muhlhausen, Germany.
“I luoghi del tempo”(The Places of Time), Solo Exhibition, G. Diotti Museum, Casalmaggiore (CR) Italy.
“Il mem” MISA Florengas” International Open-air Sculpture Museum,(Winner of invitational public sculpture competition)San Donnino, Campi Bisenzio (FI), Italy.
“ MAYER” Symposium, St. Michael, Austria.
“Schloss Gabelhofen” Symposium, Judenburg, Austria.
“B. Buttarelli, N. Blaj, N. Takaoka”, curated by G. Brandner, Startgalerie, Leoben, Austria.
“Dialogue of Identities” Symposium,(on invite from the German Ambassador to Oman)Muscat, Oman.
“Storie Incantate” (Enchanted Stories), Solo Exhibition curated by T. Cordani, Spazio Arte Pisanello, Verona, Italy.
“Itinerari tra Materia e Natura” (Itinerary between Matter and Nature), Solo Exhibition with critical text from T. Cordani, Institute of Italian Culture, Prague, Czech Republic.
“Temenos”, curated by Gianni Resti, Palazzo Chigi Zondadari, San Quirico D’Orcia (SI) Italy.
“Repubblica e Costituzione”( The Republic and the Constitution), Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Constitution, curated by C. Crescentini, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome, Italy.
“Itinerari tra Materia e Natura” (Itinerary between Matter and Nature), Institute of Italian Culture, Prague, Czech Republic.
“Palpito Mediterraneo” (Mediterranian Throb), curated by M.R. Gallo, Pramantha Arte, Lamezia Terme, (CZ) Italy.
“Sorvolo” (Overflight)Solo exhibition with critical text from T. Cordani, Galleria Comunale, San Ludovico, Parma, Italy
“Biblia Pauperum” IV Rassegna di Arte Sacra(IV Review of Sacred Art)Exhibition, curated by A. Ginesi and V. Magnanelli, Sezione Fiocchi, Diocesan Museum of Jesi (AN) Italy.
“Timeless” Omaggio a Leon Battista Alberti (Homage to Leon Alberti) Exhibition, Achivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome, Italy.
“Identita’ e Umanesimo”(Identity and Humanism) Exhibition, curated by Claudio Rizzi, Palazzo Ducale di Sabbioneta, (MN) Italy.
“Weihnachtsausstellung (Christmas Exhibition) 50 x 50”, curated by G. Brandner, Startgalerie, Leoben, Austria.
“Carosello Italiano” (Italian Carousel) Exhibition, curated by R. Castellani, Antico palazzo della Pretura, Castell’Arquato (PC) Italy.
“Mai Dire Mao”(Never Say Mao) Exhibition, curated by G. Frassa, J. Blanchaert and P. Daverio, Fiere di Parma, Parma, Italy.
“Il Sentimento del Tempo”(The Feeling of Time) Solo exhibition curated by T. Cordani, Palazzo Stanga, Cremona, Italy.
“PORelARTE”, Feria de Saragoza, Contemporary Art Section, Saragozza, Spain.
“Evanescenti Richiami d’Assenza”( Evanescent Reminders of Absence) Exhibition, curated by C. Rizzi, Scoglio di Quarto Gallery, Milan, Italy.
“Generazioni anni 40” Arte Contemporanea in Lombardia(Contemporary Art of the 1940’s Generation in Lombardia), Spazio Guicciardini, Milan, Italy.
“XXIII Giovanni Segantini National Review” Competition/Exhibition,(1st place winner in sculpture), Nova Milanese (MI) Italy.
“60 x 60 + 360” Exhibition, curated by N. Dimitri, Young Museum, Palazzo Ducale di Revere (MN) Italy.
“Neu Start” Exhibition, a cura di G. Brandner, Startgalerie, Leoben, Austria.
“Carte e sculture”(Paper and Sculpture)Solo Exhibition, Yanagisawa Gallery, Urawa, Saitama, Japan.
“Metafore di Paesaggio” (Landscape Metaphors) Exhibition, curated by Raffaele De Grada and Claudio Rizzi, Museo Parisi Valle, Maccagno (VA); Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (MN); Spazio Guicciardini, Milan, Italy.
“LIBeRO”- Feria del libro Aragones – Sezione libro d’Arte(Exhibition/Art Book Section), curated by G. Strano, Saragozza, Spain.
“Mythos Mito”(Mythos Myth)Exhibition, Rocca di Sala Baganza, Parma, Italy.
“Solitari cantori dell’utopia”(Solitary Singers of Utopia)Exhibition, Casa del Libro Antico, Lamezia Terme, Catanzaro, Italy.
“Elogio alla Leggerezza”(Praise to Lightness)Solo Exhibition, Museo Geologico di Castell’Arquato, Piacenza, Italy.
“Lo Specchio e la Lente”(The Mirror and the Lense)Exhibition, Antico Palazzo della Pretura, Castell’Arquato, Piacenza, Italy.
“Solitudini/Colloqui”(Solitude/Talks) Exhibition, Palazzo Trentini, Trento, Italy.
“CORPIEANIME”(Bodies and Souls)Exhibition, Open Art Gallery, Milan, Italy.
“POOBELISCO” Permanent monumental sculpture/fountain dedicated the Po, commissioned by the town of Casalmaggiore, Piazza Turati, Casalmaggiore, Cremona.
“Il corpo e lo Sguardo”( The Body and Sight) Exhibition, Young Museum, Revere, Mantova, Italy.
Exhibition, Museo Pianeta Azzurro, Fregene, Roma.
“Cieli di Terra”(Heavens of Earth)Exhibition, Museo Civico di Taverna, Catanzaro, Italy.
“Opere”(Works) Exhibition, Glass Garage Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
“Viaggio da ZA al PO”(Travels of Zavattini to the Po) Exhibition, Salone dei giganti, Palazzo Bentivoglio, Gualtieri Reggio Emilia, Italy.
“XXVIII Premio Sulmona”(XXVIII Sulmona Prize) Exhibition, Ex-Convento di Santa Chiara, Sulmona, L’Aquila, Italy.
“Small Stone Exhibition”, Plaza Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
“Visioni della Mente”(Visions of the Mind) Exhibition, Akropolis, S. Eufemia, Brescia, Italy.
“I Segni dell’Evento”(The Signs of the Event) Exhibition, Battistero di Cremona, Cremona, Italy.
“Skulptur Im Dorf”(Sculpture in the Village)Exhibition, Windischgarsten, Linz, Austria.
“I° Biennale Internazionale di Scultura”(1st International Sculpture Biennial), Finale Emilia, Modena, Italy.
“VI Biennale di Cremona”(VI Biennial of Cremona), S.Maria della Pietà, Cremona, Italy.