Janusz Jerzy Cywicki
![Fehlendes Portraitfoto](https://europeanartists.eu/images/platzhalterbild.jpg)
Graphics, Mixed Media, Multimedia, Objects, Painting, Performance
Born 05.10.1949
Member since 2004
Graphics, Mixed Media, Multimedia, Objects, Painting, Performance
Born 05.10.1949
Member since 2004
(...) Intuition, as a subconscious mind process appearing in a form of a flash enabling to notice an idea, a solution of a problem, an answer for a tormenting question, is a value that in my opinion makes art differ from any other human activity. Adjusting quickly a given situation, or a problem to the patterns and dependencies already known, as well as the total lack of control, assumes but an acceptance or rejection of a given solution. Comparing to logical thinking, intuition is with no doubt a creative process occuring on the highest level of abstraction (...)
from JJC/Crushed Blue
Diploma in Litography Studio and parallely in Knowledge of Visual Activity and Structures Studio at State High School of Fine Art in Poznan in 1976.
Schoolarship holder of Belgian Government at HISK in Antwerpen. Member of International Print Triennial Society in Krakow and EAA (European Artists Association) in Germany.
Professor in University of Rzeszow/Art Department. Director of Gallery of Contemporary Art in Przemysl.
65 solo exhibitions in Poland, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. Participation in 350 group exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
Most important awards/ symposiums
Since 1976 he received 40 prizes and distinctions. Organizer, curator and participant of many international
art symposiums.
His works are in collections in Poland, USA, Belgium, Holland, Ukraine, Hungary, Portugal, Japan, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Finland, Romania, Germany, Egypt, Macedonia etc.