Laurentius U. Englisch OFM

Graphics, Mixed Media, Objects, Painting, Sculptor
Born 10.10.1939
Member since 2004
Graphics, Mixed Media, Objects, Painting, Sculptor
Born 10.10.1939
Member since 2004
My art is interpretation of life, meditation and therapy, activates the beholder, to let his/her own desires live, to admit the burying primal urges, to countermand the partitions of mind, will and senses.
Art wants to be a projection screen for the viewer and point out the road to wholeness.
1970-1975 Studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf Masters degree under Prof. Beate Schiff, Prof. Joseph Beuys and Prof. Heerich Götz
1962 Entry (as teacher) into Franziskus-Gymnasium (High School) in Vossenack
1954 Moved to Düsseldorf, Germany
Works as a sculptor, painter, graphic, teacher and priest.
Most important awards/ symposiums
Many national and international exhibitions. His works are published in public places, buildings and private collections.