Vera Kekic

Graphics, Mixed Media, Painting
Born 02.03.1977
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Email Contact
Member since 2003
Graphics, Mixed Media, Painting
Born 02.03.1977
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Email Contact
Member since 2003
MY HeART and ME is my personal project in which all my art works and me are presented as ONE, which we became a long time ago, or better still, have always been.
I wish to share with You all of my soul, beautiful life experiences, personal moments, the most beautiful emotions, unforgettable atmospheres, symbols, people who have left traces in my life, abstract perceptions of the world, united into One, Me and My (HeART) Art Works…
....In never ending struggle for essential values.
Art works are in many international public and private collections.
2001-2013 Working as art teacher, Trebinje Bosnia and Herzegovina
2006 M.A. in Arts, Academy of Fine Arts/ Department of Graphics, Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina
2001 B.A. in Arts, Fine Arts Academy, Graphic department, Trebinje, B&H
1995 School for Design (Textile Design Programme), Belgrade, Serbia
Member of: European Artists e.V.,Germany,
Fine Artists Association of Bosnia and Herze-
govina (ULUBIH)
16 Solo Exhibitions in the country and abroad,
over 60 Group Exhibitions in the country and abroad
Most important awards/ symposiums
2003-2013 Intern. European Artists Symposi-ums, Germany
2013 International Art Symposium, Tenerifa, Spain
2004 Prize of Salon of Youth ‘‘16th’‘, Palace of Arts, Gezira, Cairo, Egypt
1998 Prize of the 9th Biennial Yugoslav students graphics, Belgrade, Serbia