Ahmed Ragab Sakr

Graphics, Mixed Media, Objects, Painting
Graphics, Mixed Media, Objects, Painting
Dean of the Faculty of fine Arts – Minia University. Honorary Degree in Cartoons and Book Design, Graphics Department 1987.
MA Graphics 1992. Ph.D. Art Philosophy Specialized in Graphics 1998.
Taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Minia University since 1989 up to the present.
Scholarship to complete his Ph.D. at the University of Erfurt, Germany 1995 to 1997. Studies in lithography with certificate from University of Erfurt 1997. Studies sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo 1984.
Member of the Applied Arts Syndicate and of the Fine Arts National Society; Member of the high committee for organizing the Cairo International Graphics Triennial 2003.
Most important awards/ symposiums
Festival for Arts, Mainz, Germany, 1996.
First Kleinbraitenbach Art Symposium, Germany, 1997.
Second Drawing Symposium Mont Clos, Avignon, 1997.
International Symposium in Kari, Romania, 2000 and in Budapest, Hungary 2001.
International European Artists Symposium, Essen, 2012.
International Symposium in Luxor, Egypt, 2012