I am a visual artist who believes her field of activity is a hybrid between a modality to slightly defeat death and these adverbs of time: yesterday, today and tomorrow…
In 2012, she starts her academic studies as a DAAD scholarship holder, at HBK Braunschweig, Germany. She has had, since 2000, 23 solo exhibitions and 17 group exhibitions. More than 400 of her artworks can be found in public collections, as well as in the private collections of Her Majesty Elizabeth II of Great Britain, His Imperial Majesty Akihito of Japan, Her Majesty Sofia of Spain, Her Majesty Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, of several diplomats, V.I.P.s from the Netherlands, Romania, USA, Germany, France, Spain and Singapore.
Most important awards/ symposiums
2002 Diploma of Honor from the West University “Vasile Goldi?”, Arad, Romania
2001 Gold Medal at the International Competition of Painting and Drawing in Quimper, France
2000 Medal of the Romanian-French Friendship, Bucharest, Romania
2000 Trophy of the International Olympics of Francophone Culture